Tak więc 15 drużyn musi wybrać. Jeśli jest 20 minut na drużynę, to 15x20 = 300 minut. 300 ÷ 60 = 5. To potencjalnie PIĘCIOGODZINNY PROCES?
So 15 teams have to pick. If it's 20 mins per team that's 15x20 = 300 minutes. 300 ÷ 60 = 5. This is potentially a FIVE HOUR PROCESS?
INFORMATION: Teams have up to 20 minutes to make their picks for the Bounty, we'll be sharing the picks second we know who has picked who #BLASTPremier
INFORMATION: Teams have up to 20 minutes to make their picks for the Bounty, we'll be sharing the picks second we know who has picked who #BLASTPremier