Czy ESIC nie zbanował @RobbaN pomimo przegranej 13-1 z coach bugiem? 🤡 Nie wspominając już o wielu innych trenerach, których karierę wpłynięto, mimo że mieli dowody, które dowiodły, że nie było złych intencji ani nadużyć. Pamiętam, jak słyszałem plotki, że wtedy też kryli Astralis...
Didn't ESIC ban @RobbaN despite losing 13-1 in the coaching bug? 🤡 Not to mention plenty of other coaches who had their career impacted even though they had evidence that proved there was no mal intent or abuse. I remember hearing rumors they covered for Astralis back then too...
Today, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) publishes the findings of its investigation into Astralis’ emergency substitution request for Alexander “br0” Bro during the BLAST Premier Fall Final. This investigation was initiated following a formal request from BLAST to…
Today, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) publishes the findings of its investigation into Astralis’ emergency substitution request for Alexander “br0” Bro during the BLAST Premier Fall Final. This investigation was initiated following a formal request from BLAST to…