
tenzki sugeruje, że joela mogła zdradzić chwila nieuwagi


Więc to właśnie zaskoczyło Joela? Przechodząc z jednej gry bez AC (prawdopodobnie) do jednej z nową aktualizacją i pomyślał, że hej, to kiedyś działało tutaj?

So this is what caught joel off guard? Coming from one game without AC (probably) into one with a new update and thought hey it used to work here?


While we’re putting the final touches on Akros version 3.0, we wanted take some of what we've learned in the process and improve player experience now. Today's update to Akros version 2.0 ( provides compatibility with Memory integrity (HVCI) on Windows.

While we’re putting the final touches on Akros version 3.0, we wanted take some of what we've learned in the process and improve player experience now. Today's update to Akros version 2.0 ( provides compatibility with Memory integrity (HVCI) on Windows.
