Bardzo oddany gracz, który ma szansę stać się bardzo cennym IGL-em dla wielu drużyn 🔥 GL Michał! ❤
Super dedicated player, could become a very valuable IGL for many teams 🔥 GL Michał! ❤
[Transitioning to IGL]🧠 Throughout my esports career, I had the chance to play under various in game leaders, in teams that were very diversed when it comes to players nationalities, differences in the cultural aspects, characters. I’ve experienced highs, and also a lot of lows…
[Transitioning to IGL]🧠 Throughout my esports career, I had the chance to play under various in game leaders, in teams that were very diversed when it comes to players nationalities, differences in the cultural aspects, characters. I’ve experienced highs, and also a lot of lows…