
Nowy prowadzący w G2? Dla YNko sprawa jest prosta


Sprawa jest prosta, albo NiKo rozpocznie swój nowy etap kariery jako IGL tak jak device i dostaną riflera, albo HooXi zostanie, nie ma IGL-a na rynku, którego G2 mogłoby wziąć.

It’s simple, either NiKo transitions to the IGL part of his career a la dev1ce and they get a rifler or HooXi stays, there is no IGL on the market for G2 to get


To everyone who wants to remove Hooxi from G2: I'm neither for or against, but I wanna hear a proper solution and replacement. Hooxi ain't a bad IGL, far from. However I think it's fair to question if he is still the right fit for G2, I'm sure they've done that themsleves.…

To everyone who wants to remove Hooxi from G2: I'm neither for or against, but I wanna hear a proper solution and replacement. Hooxi ain't a bad IGL, far from. However I think it's fair to question if he is still the right fit for G2, I'm sure they've done that themsleves.…
