
Spirit nie ma lekko z większością community


Kiedy ZywOo lub ropz są chorzy, ludzie po prostu życzą im zdrowia, ale kiedy hally mówi, że dwie osoby były chore, więc nie mogli ćwiczyć w dni wolne, jednocześnie mówiąc, że i tak grali źle, ludzie go hejtują. Szalone

When ZywOo or ropz is sick, people were just wishing them well, but when hally says two people were sick so they couldn't practice on the off-days WHILE saying they played bad regardless, he gets hate Crazy


hally on FaZe defeat, lack of practice due to illness, Vertigo decision

hally on FaZe defeat, lack of practice due to illness, Vertigo decision

hally on FaZe defeat, lack of practice due to illness, Vertigo decision
The Russian captain says a less-than-optimal preparation cost them against FaZe.