
HooXi nie powinien być porównywany do karrigana?


karrigan ma 34 lata i rywalizuje od CS-a 1.6, a więc swój prime na już dawno za sobą i nie musi nikomu niczego udowadniać G2 to pierwsza i być może ostatnia najlepsza drużyna HooXi'ego w wieku 29 lat, nigdy nie udowodnił, że należy do tego poziomu To nie jest dobre porównanie

Karrigan is 34 and been competing since 1.6, far past his prime and doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone G2 is HooXi’s first and might be last top team at 29, he’s never proven that he belongs at this level This isn’t a good comparison


Did HooXi and G2 need to try something new? Yes - He needed to get cut after that Dallas Victory. But the way this community have framed him at times is simply unfair. The amount of criticism compared to his relatives (as igl) are crazy. Karrigan stats last 37 Events 🟢0 event… https://t.co/LHfhCYTdSL https://t.co/g0E7GRn7ms

Did HooXi and G2 need to try something new? Yes - He needed to get cut after that Dallas Victory. But the way this community have framed him at times is simply unfair. The amount of criticism compared to his relatives (as igl) are crazy. Karrigan stats last 37 Events 🟢0 event… https://t.co/LHfhCYTdSL https://t.co/g0E7GRn7ms


HooXi has failed to record a "green" rating in an event during two years with G2 🟢 0 event ratings ⚪️ 5 event ratings 🔴 24 event ratings https://t.co/pRVrVnNXOu

HooXi has failed to record a "green" rating in an event during two years with G2 🟢 0 event ratings ⚪️ 5 event ratings 🔴 24 event ratings https://t.co/pRVrVnNXOu


HooXi benched in G2

HooXi benched in G2

HooXi benched in G2
The in-game leader follows nexa to the chopping block as G2 look to shake things up further in this off-season.