Wiele kontekstu, aby oszczędzić rumieńców graczom po prawej stronie, ale będzie to interesujący trend do obserwowania w miarę upływu CS2. Nie jest to przyjemna lektura dla graczy takich jak stavn i sh1ro, którzy dali się poznać z zawodzenia w kluczowych momentach.
Plenty of context to spare the blushes of the players on the RHS, but this will be an interesting trend to watch as CS2 goes on But not pretty reading for players like stavn and sh1ro who already have reps for bottling https://t.co/HxW2OK1944
Elimination Rating: Players who do (and don't) rise to the occasion
Elimination Rating: Players who do (and don't) rise to the occasion
Trochę kontekstu: 5/13 próbek sh1ro jest w Sydney, gdzie był okropny w martwym (?) zespole stavn/jabbi to w zasadzie martwe HEROIC, blameF IGL Kato/RMR i playoff-owe porażki z FaZe/Vitality Jimi ma 17 lat i był dobry w Chengdu Eternal Fire dość niska próba
Some of that context: 5/13 of sh1ro's sample is at Sydney, where he was awful in a dead (?) team stavn/jabbi are basically dead HEROIC, blameF IGL Kato/RMR games, and playoff losses to FaZe/Vitality Jimi is 17, and was good at Chengdu Eternal Fire pretty low sample