Pierwsze przypadki anulowania meczu z powodu "nieregularnej rozgrywki" (bez wydawania bana) rozpoczęły się kilka godzin temu. Miało to miejsce w kilku pierwszych rundach. Wygląda na to, że VACnet już działa?
The first instances of match being canceled due to “irregular gameplay” (without issuing the ban) started a couple hours ago. Happening in the first few rounds. Looks like VACnet is working now?
Update to the Overwatch system and VACnet. Now in overwatch there's "maybe" option and Anti-Cheat will automatically detect "irregular" game behavior from you and your party and give a cooldown after that.
Update to the Overwatch system and VACnet. Now in overwatch there's "maybe" option and Anti-Cheat will automatically detect "irregular" game behavior from you and your party and give a cooldown after that.