
ESL oficjalnie zabroniło skryptów ruchu gracza w swoich rozgrywkach


WAŻNE DLA WSZYSTKICH ZAWODNIKÓW ESL: Właśnie potwierdziłem z adminami ESL, że powiązania aliasów, które skryptują ruch gracza, są nielegalne we wszystkich wydarzeniach ESL/EPT (ESEA league, ECL, cash cupy, EPL itp.). Przykład nielegalnych bindów: alias "_checkw" "-forward; alias checkw" alias "+w" "+forward; alias checkw _checkw" alias "-w" "checkw" bind "w" "+w" alias "_checks" "-back; alias checks" alias "+s" "+back; alias checks _checks" alias "-s" "checks" bind "s" "+s" Przykład legalnych bindów: bind "w" "+forward; clear" bind "s" "+back; clear" bind "a" "+left; clear" bind "d" "+right; clear" bind "ctrl" "+duck; clear" bind "shift" "+sprint; clear" bind "mwheeldown" "+jump; clear" bind "mwheelup" "+jump; clear" bind "space" "+jump; clear" Administratorzy potwierdzili również, że ten bind rzutu z wyskoku jest legalny: alias "+jump" "+jump" alias "+throw" "-attack; -attack2" alias "+fall" "-jump" bind "v" "+jump; +throw; +fall" Każdy, kto bierze udział w zawodach ESL, powinien odpowiednio dostosować swojego autoexeca, w przeciwnym razie może zostać ukarany!

IMPORTANT FOR ALL ESL COMPETITORS: I've just confirmed with ESL admins that alias binds that script player movement are illegal in all ESL/EPT events (ESEA league, ECL, cash cups, EPL, etc.). ILLEGAL BINDS example: alias "_checkw" "-forward; alias checkw" alias "+w" "+forward; alias checkw _checkw" alias "-w" "checkw" bind "w" "+w" alias "_checks" "-back; alias checks" alias "+s" "+back; alias checks _checks" alias "-s" "checks" bind "s" "+s" LEGAL BINDS example: bind "w" "+forward; clear" bind "s" "+back; clear" bind "a" "+left; clear" bind "d" "+right; clear" bind "ctrl" "+duck; clear" bind "shift" "+sprint; clear" bind "mwheeldown" "+jump; clear" bind "mwheelup" "+jump; clear" bind "space" "+jump; clear" Admins have also confirmed for me that this jump throw bind is legal: alias "+jump" "+jump" alias "+throw" "-attack; -attack2" alias "+fall" "-jump" bind "v" "+jump; +throw; +fall" Anyone competing in any ESL events make sure to adjust your autoexec accordingly or you risk being penalized!
