Ona zrobi różnicę i jestem bardzo dumny z @anjasuder, młodzi gracze są w dobrych rękach i wiem, jak bardzo jest podekscytowana i zmotywowana 🙏
She is gonna make a difference and super proud of @anjasuder, the young players are in good hands and I know how excited and motivated she is 🙏
We all know that esports is not all about mechanical skill and clicking heads. Mental resilience and coping with stress also play a huge role on players' performance. We're happy to announce @anjasuder as our Sport Psychologist. Anja's role has been a key factor in helping our… https://t.co/zqH1SXtyUG
We all know that esports is not all about mechanical skill and clicking heads. Mental resilience and coping with stress also play a huge role on players' performance. We're happy to announce @anjasuder as our Sport Psychologist. Anja's role has been a key factor in helping our… https://t.co/zqH1SXtyUG