
Tak keita pożegnał fnatic


To oznacza koniec mojego czasu we FNATIC. Chcę wyrazić swoje uznanie dla wszystkich pracowników i zawodników, z którymi miałem zaszczyt pracować przez ostatnie trzy lata. Obecnie jestem otwarty na wszystkie oferty trenerskie, gdy oceniam swoją przyszłość. Podekscytowany tym, co dalej, DMy są otwarte🖤🧡

This marks the end of my time at FNATIC. I want to express my appreciation to all the staff and players I've had the privilege of working with over the past three years. I am currently open to all coaching offers as I evaluate my future. Excited for whats next, DM's open🖤🧡


Today we say farewell to Coach @keitaCSGO as we move in a new direction for 2025. We want to thank Jamie for his incredible contributions to the squad over the last three years, and wish him all the best with his next steps. #ALWAYSFNATIC

Today we say farewell to Coach @keitaCSGO as we move in a new direction for 2025. We want to thank Jamie for his incredible contributions to the squad over the last three years, and wish him all the best with his next steps. #ALWAYSFNATIC
