
Golden chce zostać trenerem


Moje następne kroki są dość jasne, ponieważ CS jest dla mnie wszystkim. Będę się streszczał. Idąc dalej, moją następną przygodą będzie trenerka. To dla mnie naturalny krok, ponieważ jestem IGL-em i rywalizuję od 10 lat. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany lub po prostu chcesz porozmawiać DM mnie lub @SUPP_Agency

My next steps are pretty clear as CS is everything for me. I'll keep this short. Going forward, my next adventure will be as a coach. It's a natural step for me as I've been IGL and competing for 10 years. If you are interested or just want to have a chat DM me or @SUPP_Agency


📜 UPDATE. About a month ago we placed Golden on the bench after we as a team struggled with bad results for a long time. Now we have agreed on a deal with Maikil which means we are canceling the contract early, which means that he is now leaving the bench to explore the market… https://t.co/tNwe3mMGzL

📜 UPDATE. About a month ago we placed Golden on the bench after we as a team struggled with bad results for a long time. Now we have agreed on a deal with Maikil which means we are canceling the contract early, which means that he is now leaving the bench to explore the market… https://t.co/tNwe3mMGzL
