
TaZ żegna HooXiego. "Chciałbym, aby więcej graczy było tak oddanych jak ty"


Dziękuję Rasmus za ten krótki, ale bardzo intensywny czas. Chciałbym, aby więcej graczy było tak oddanych jak ty i chciałbym, abyśmy wygrali te początkowe turnieje. Mam nadzieję, że wkrótce wrócisz... 🙏

Thank you Rasmus for this brief but very rich time. I wish more players were as dedicated as you are, and I wish we got these early ones in the bag.. Hope you will bounce back soon... 🙏


It's been one hell of a ride the past 2 years and at the end we ticked off a few big boxes on the bucket list. I will forever be grateful for the chance I got to prove myself, it has given and gotten me through the best and worst times of my life so far, both IRL and ingame ❤️…

It's been one hell of a ride the past 2 years and at the end we ticked off a few big boxes on the bucket list. I will forever be grateful for the chance I got to prove myself, it has given and gotten me through the best and worst times of my life so far, both IRL and ingame ❤️…
