
neL o wyrzuceniu cadiaN: Głupie posunięcie


Głupie posunięcie według mnie, ale co można zrobić, gdy to nie działa... Nie jestem wielkim fanem cadiaNa, ale zasłużył na więcej. Ciekawe, gdzie skończy. Ponieważ daleko mu do najlepszych obecnie snajperów, a w Heroic miał wyjątkowy zespół i system. Kto może mu to zaoferować w tej chwili?

Dumb move from my pov, but what can you do when it doesn't click... I'm not a huge cadiaN fan, but he deserved better. Curious to see where he end up. Because he's far from the best AWPers rn and his Heroic period was a very special team and system. Who can offer him that rn?


Today we are moving @caspercadiaN from the active roster to the bench for the purposes of exploring a transfer. Our time together did not work out as we hoped but we know he has a bright future ahead of him. We will be working closely with Casper as we explore all options moving… https://t.co/szZsZwZOLX

Today we are moving @caspercadiaN from the active roster to the bench for the purposes of exploring a transfer. Our time together did not work out as we hoped but we know he has a bright future ahead of him. We will be working closely with Casper as we explore all options moving… https://t.co/szZsZwZOLX
