
F1KU: Zrobię wszystko, co w mojej mocy, aby wszyscy byli szczęśliwi i dumni z tego zespołu


OG Esports to niesamowita organizacja ze wspaniałymi ludźmi, którzy zawsze bardzo o mnie dbali. Mieliśmy wzloty i upadki jako zespół, ale zrobię wszystko, co w mojej mocy, aby wszyscy byli szczęśliwi i dumni z tego zespołu.

OG Esports is an amazing organization with great people who have always taken great care of me. We’ve had ups and downs as a team, but I’ll do my best to make them all happy and proud of that team.


#F1KU2025 🎉 We're thrilled to announce the contract extension of one of our key players for another year! Maciej is a crucial part of our team. His contribution over the past two years has been invaluable and we're looking forward to what the new season brings!

#F1KU2025 🎉 We're thrilled to announce the contract extension of one of our key players for another year! Maciej is a crucial part of our team. His contribution over the past two years has been invaluable and we're looking forward to what the new season brings!
