
Właściciel CSGOEmpire groził graczom G2 na swoim streamie


Aby wyjaśnić, kiedy Monarch mówi na streamie, że chce zakuć m0NESY'ego w kajdanki lub zbliżyć się jak najbliżej do graczy G2, uważam to za wiarygodną groźbę dla graczy koniec dyskusji.

To clarify, when Monarch is saying on stream he wants to handcuff m0nesy or get as close as possible to the G2 players as possible, I consider that a credible threat to the players end of discussion.


Understand that what these mentally ill morons did was illegal and quite frankly pathetic. These lunatics were looking to potentially harm players and PGL staff if security did not act quickly.

Understand that what these mentally ill morons did was illegal and quite frankly pathetic. These lunatics were looking to potentially harm players and PGL staff if security did not act quickly.


CSGOEmpire has seemingly taken credit for the trespassing and vandalism incident at the CS2 Major, with their pathetic display seemingly damaging the trophy and causing a significant delay to the broadcast.

CSGOEmpire has seemingly taken credit for the trespassing and vandalism incident at the CS2 Major, with their pathetic display seemingly damaging the trophy and causing a significant delay to the broadcast.

Pranksters charge stage in pathetic display at CS2 Major
Two men were quickly tackled and removed by security.