
Cooper o BOROSie: Wydaje się, że w tym momencie wszyscy wiedzieli, że zostanie zmieniony po tym turnieju


Trener poprawiający błędy i zwracający uwagę na problemy to dosłownie jego praca i jest to całkowicie normalne. Kapitan drużyny (Snappi) również zgadzam się, że był w porządku. Kiedy reszta drużyny po prostu mówi to samo gówno, podczas gdy wszyscy stoją i patrzą, jest to bardzo przesadzone i wydaje się, że obwiniają jednego gracza i nie biorą na siebie żadnej odpowiedzialności. Chociaż wydaje się, że mogą istnieć przeszłe frustracje związane z BOROSem, wydaje się, że w tym momencie WSZYSCY wiedzieli, że zostanie zmieniony po tym turnieju, zanim jeszcze doszło do tej rozmowy.

Coach correcting mistakes and pointing out issues is literally his job and perfectly normal Team captain (snappi) I also agree was perfectly fine. When the rest of the team just piles on the same shit said while everyone stands and watches is extremely excessive and feels like they are placing blame onto one player and taking zero responsibility Although it seems like there could be past frustrations with Boros it seems at this point they ALL knew he was being replaced after this tournament before this talk even happened


Falcons have released a new version of the video, removing large portions of the section where BOROS is heavily criticized by the team for his in-game performance. In the original video, timestamps of removed content are (11:18 - 12:05) & (12:21 - 12:37) Larger section below: https://t.co/ELvQAaRYV9

Falcons have released a new version of the video, removing large portions of the section where BOROS is heavily criticized by the team for his in-game performance. In the original video, timestamps of removed content are (11:18 - 12:05) & (12:21 - 12:37) Larger section below: https://t.co/ELvQAaRYV9


Spending 4 minutes of the documentary focusing on zonic and Magisk shitting on BOROS for changing his mouse is definitely an interesting choice. Timestamp 10:20 for those interested.

Spending 4 minutes of the documentary focusing on zonic and Magisk shitting on BOROS for changing his mouse is definitely an interesting choice. Timestamp 10:20 for those interested.


Incredible to me that there wasn't even a SINGLE person in Falcons that thought: "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't leave in the part where every player from the team tilts like a teenage boy and starts shitting on a single player." It paints everyone as pathetic. [1/X]

Incredible to me that there wasn't even a SINGLE person in Falcons that thought: "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't leave in the part where every player from the team tilts like a teenage boy and starts shitting on a single player." It paints everyone as pathetic. [1/X]


Take a look behind the scenes at our qualifiers for #PGLMajor Copenhagen! 🇩🇰 Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3: Trust the plan, trust the process is NOW LIVE! 📸 🔗 #FalconsAreHere #PursuingTheDream https://t.co/EeV1RLoYv4

Take a look behind the scenes at our qualifiers for #PGLMajor Copenhagen! 🇩🇰 Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3: Trust the plan, trust the process is NOW LIVE! 📸 🔗 #FalconsAreHere #PursuingTheDream https://t.co/EeV1RLoYv4

Team Falcons: Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3 - Trust the plan, trust the process.
Pursuing the Dream Chapter 3 covers our journey at the PGL Copenhagen Major qualifier. Take a look at what happened behind the scenes and what the team's nex...