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RuStY: Czułem, że ten projekt nigdy tak naprawdę nie miał szansy na sukces


Z powodu kilku okoliczności czułem, że ten projekt nigdy tak naprawdę nie miał szansy na sukces. W związku z tym szukam nowych możliwości, jeśli potrzebujesz gracza lub stand-ina, nie wahaj się ze mną skontaktować. Powodzenia dla GODSENT i wszystkich graczy.

Due to a few circumstances i feel like this project never really had a chance to succed. And with that said im looking for New opportunities, if you need a player or a standin, dont hesitate to contact me. And goodluck to @GODSENT and all players


Yesterday Draken was moved to the bench from the main team and Rusty has been made a free agent. They both will be pursuing new opportunities going forward. We thank them for their hard work and wish them the best moving forward. More info and updates in the next few weeks.… https://t.co/54KfK3iYOG

Yesterday Draken was moved to the bench from the main team and Rusty has been made a free agent. They both will be pursuing new opportunities going forward. We thank them for their hard work and wish them the best moving forward. More info and updates in the next few weeks.… https://t.co/54KfK3iYOG
