Powiedzieć, że jestem rozczarowany, to mało powiedziane. Kara w takim przypadku nigdy nie powinna zależeć od tego, jak daleko drużyna zaszła w turnieju, liczą się zasady i wykorzystywanie reguł. https://t.co/Nf22TnFSn8
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. The punishment in a case like this should never depend on how far the team went in the tournament, it's the principle and the exploitation of rules that should matter. https://t.co/Nf22TnFSn8
Today, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) publishes the findings of its investigation into Astralis’ emergency substitution request for Alexander “br0” Bro during the BLAST Premier Fall Final. This investigation was initiated following a formal request from BLAST to… https://t.co/3C5UgE29vT
Today, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) publishes the findings of its investigation into Astralis’ emergency substitution request for Alexander “br0” Bro during the BLAST Premier Fall Final. This investigation was initiated following a formal request from BLAST to… https://t.co/3C5UgE29vT