
apEX propsuje swojego rodaka. "Będzie grał w drużynie z top 10"


Ostatnio dużo gram z Ryanem i jest on naprawdę utalentowanym i pracowitym gościem. Jestem pewien, że w najlepszym (sic) roku będzie grał w drużynie z top 10. Czas go wybrać

Im playing a lot with Ryan lately, and he is really talented and a hardworking guy. Im pretty sure he will play in a top 10 team in the best year. Time to pick him up


Hey, My contract with MOUZ coming to its end, i've decided to explore my options as Free Agent. I'm super motivated to grind and finally be able to qualify to T1 events & Majors ! If you're interested, please contact @Jerome_Coupez or neityu@prodigy-agency.gg Thanks !

Hey, My contract with MOUZ coming to its end, i've decided to explore my options as Free Agent. I'm super motivated to grind and finally be able to qualify to T1 events & Majors ! If you're interested, please contact @Jerome_Coupez or neityu@prodigy-agency.gg Thanks !
