Dziękuję @LMBT_CSGO za ten krótki okres, nawet jeśli nie zgadzaliśmy się w niektórych kwestiach, nadal wiele się od ciebie nauczyłem na serwerze i poza nim. Powodzenia we wszystkim, co będzie legendo.
Thank you @LMBT_CSGO for this short period even tho we disagreed on some stuff I still learned a lot from you inside and outside of the server. Good luck on whatever comes next legend.
It's time to say goodbye 🥲 Today a true legend is leaving our roster. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, we have reached the greatest heights in our history. Thank you for everything, @LMBT_CSGO ! ♥️ You are forever a part of #MonteGang Tribute video:…
It's time to say goodbye 🥲 Today a true legend is leaving our roster. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, we have reached the greatest heights in our history. Thank you for everything, @LMBT_CSGO ! ♥️ You are forever a part of #MonteGang Tribute video:…
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