
Loba odpowiada na wpis EliGE'a


Wiesz, że gra i jej twórcy są naprawdę, naprawdę źli, kiedy ludzie, którzy zapłacili za grę w sieci LAN na NAJLEPSZYCH komputerach, zaczynają płakać. Teraz pomnóż to razy 10, a zobaczysz, jak gra wygląda dla wszystkich innych ludzi. Liczba graczy CS2 to 70% botów, więc nie tak wielu innych ludzi.

You know the game and its devs are really, really bad when the guys PAID to play on LAN with the BEST PCs are starting to cry. Now multiply that x10 and you will see how the game feels for all other people. CS2 player numbers are 70% bots tho, so not so many other people tbh.


Aside from the boost bug, not being able to jump on things, and the fake footsteps thing @swishcs showed, CS2 DESPERATELY needs to fix performance I think it’s completely ridiculous you need a NASA computer to play the game properly. I hope optimization is the #1 priority 🙏

Aside from the boost bug, not being able to jump on things, and the fake footsteps thing @swishcs showed, CS2 DESPERATELY needs to fix performance I think it’s completely ridiculous you need a NASA computer to play the game properly. I hope optimization is the #1 priority 🙏
