
peacemaker informuje, że sytuacja brazylijski organizacji wygląda podobnie przez nowe zasady kwalifikacji do Majora


A to dopiero początek. W Brazylii: Flamengo, Corinthians & OPLANO odchodzą (niekoniecznie z powodu zmian wprowadzonych przez Valve, ale wątpię by niedługo wrócili) plotki o wycofaniu się Loud & KabuM.... A jak tylko okaże się, kto jedzie na Majora/RMR, inni odejdą...

E eh só o começo.. No Brasil temos: Flamengo, Corinthians & OPLANO saindo (nao necessariamente pela noticia da valve mas duvido q retornem nesse momento) rumores de Loud & KabuM sumiram.. E assim que sair o CUT de pontos do ranking do RMR/Closed outras vao sair..


After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.

After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.
