Jeśli to prawda i nie dostaniemy otwartych kwalifikacji, będzie to ogromny cios dla sceny, i czy nie mówiliście, że Majory muszą być dostępne dla wszystkich @CounterStrike?
If this is true and we don't get open qualifiers that would be a huge hit to the scene and didn't you say the majors need to be accessible to everybody @CounterStrike ?
We gladly announce that all RMRs for the Perfect World Counter-Strike 2 Shanghai Major 2024 will be held at LAN in Shanghai, China. From Nov.11 to Dec.15, with the top 56 CS2 teams on Earth, we welcome every CSer to this grand esports event of 35 days. Can't wait to see you all!
We gladly announce that all RMRs for the Perfect World Counter-Strike 2 Shanghai Major 2024 will be held at LAN in Shanghai, China. From Nov.11 to Dec.15, with the top 56 CS2 teams on Earth, we welcome every CSer to this grand esports event of 35 days. Can't wait to see you all!