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Jason Lake poświęcił dużo, żeby działać w esporcie


"Miałem kancelarię prawną, byłem właścicielem CoL, sprzedałem kiedyś oba, a teraz mieszkam w stanie, w którym nie mam licencji na wykonywanie zawodu prawnika. "Więc mówisz o wzlotach i upadkach w profesjonalnym graniu? Kiedy twoja żona patrzy ci w oczy i pyta: "Co zrobiłeś z naszym życiem?". Tak, to jest dołek".

"I owned a law firm, I owned coL, I'd sold both, and now I'm living in a state I'm not licensed to practice law in. "So you talk about the highs and lows of gaming? When your wife looks you in the eyes and asks you, 'What have you done with our lives?' Yeah, that's a low."


Had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with @JasonBWLake at the Major to talk about the history of coL through his eyes, the cost and effect on his life of going all-in on esports, reacquiring the org, and the path forward for him and COL YT link below

Had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with @JasonBWLake at the Major to talk about the history of coL through his eyes, the cost and effect on his life of going all-in on esports, reacquiring the org, and the path forward for him and COL YT link below
