- Upewnijcie się, że wniesiecie oskarżenie przeciwko idiocie (idiotom), którzy faktycznie zapłacili za tych klaunów, aby szarżowali na scenie. - Wypi**dolić te wszystkie nielegalne "kasyna" z Counter-Strike'a @CounterStrike
- Please make sure to press charges against the idiot(s) who actually paid for these clowns to charge on the stage. - Get all these unlawful ”casinos” the fuck out of Counter-Strike @CounterStrike
Our event experienced an attempted disruption. We temporarily halted the match to ensure everyone's safety. The individuals involved were removed by the police. We will be pressing charges against the disruptors.
Our event experienced an attempted disruption. We temporarily halted the match to ensure everyone's safety. The individuals involved were removed by the police. We will be pressing charges against the disruptors.