Witamy w EYE, GOLDEN! Podekscytowani przyszłością, wkrótce z naszego obozu wyjdą inne wiadomości, ale ta zasługuje na własne światło reflektorów! Ogromne podziękowania dla GODSENT i @Ludwigvanpop za szybki i płynny transfer. 🙏
Welcome to EYE, @goldenmajk ! Excited for the future, some other news will come out of our camp soon enough, but this one deserves its own spotlight! Huge thanks to @GODSENT and @Ludwigvanpop for a fast and smooth transfer aswell. 🙏
Why settle for silver when you can get Golden? 🔱 JW has finally found the missing piece to the puzzle and our team is now complete once again.
Why settle for silver when you can get Golden? 🔱 JW has finally found the missing piece to the puzzle and our team is now complete once again.