
BOROS zabiera głos po filmie Falcons. "Ludzie muszą potrafić przyznać się, że są do bani"


Ludzie muszą potrafić przyznać się, że są do bani, a nie tylko myśleć o tym, że muszą być teraz top 1 albo w top 5 na świecie w ciągu sekundy, to dodaje dużo presji, to tak nie działa, musisz najpierw poświęcić czas i zbudować zdrowe środowisko, a nie czuć, że jesteś ciśnięty od pierwszego oficjala i czujesz, że nie jesteś częścią zespołu. I dokładnie wtedy, gdy wiem, że coś spieprzyłem, już mnie to denerwuje i nie potrzebuję, żeby ktoś jeszcze bardziej mnie wkurzał.

People need to admit when they suck and not just have in mind that they need to be right now in top 1 to 5 in the world in a second it adds a lot of pressure it doesn’t work like this you need to put time and build a healthy environment first and not feel that you are kicked from the first official and feel you are not part of the team or pressured. And exactly when I know that I fucked up about something I am already tilted from it I don’t need someone to tilt me more


Incredible to me that there wasn't even a SINGLE person in Falcons that thought: "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't leave in the part where every player from the team tilts like a teenage boy and starts shitting on a single player." It paints everyone as pathetic. [1/X]

Incredible to me that there wasn't even a SINGLE person in Falcons that thought: "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't leave in the part where every player from the team tilts like a teenage boy and starts shitting on a single player." It paints everyone as pathetic. [1/X]


Take a look behind the scenes at our qualifiers for #PGLMajor Copenhagen! 🇩🇰 Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3: Trust the plan, trust the process is NOW LIVE! 📸 🔗 #FalconsAreHere #PursuingTheDream https://t.co/EeV1RLoYv4

Take a look behind the scenes at our qualifiers for #PGLMajor Copenhagen! 🇩🇰 Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3: Trust the plan, trust the process is NOW LIVE! 📸 🔗 #FalconsAreHere #PursuingTheDream https://t.co/EeV1RLoYv4

Team Falcons: Pursuing The Dream Chapter 3 - Trust the plan, trust the process.
Pursuing the Dream Chapter 3 covers our journey at the PGL Copenhagen Major qualifier. Take a look at what happened behind the scenes and what the team's nex...