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Całe top 6 graczy pod względem występów w play-offach Majora nie pojawi się w Kopenhadze


Gracze, którzy mieli najwięcej występów w play-offach Majorów w CS:GO i NIE wezmą udziału w pierwszym Majorze w CS2 w Kopenhadze: 🇩🇰 dupreeh - 15 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇩🇰 device - 15 🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇩🇰 Xyp9x - 14 🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇸🇪 olofmeister - 14 🏆🏆 🇸🇪 KRIMZ - 13 🏆🏆 🇺🇦 Zeus - 13 🏆

Players that have had the most CS:GO Major playoff appearances and will NOT compete at the first CS2 Major in Copenhagen: 🇩🇰 dupreeh - 15 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇩🇰 device - 15 🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇩🇰Xyp9x - 14 🏆🏆🏆🏆 🇸🇪 olofmeister - 14 🏆🏆 🇸🇪 KRIMZ - 13 🏆🏆 🇺🇦 Zeus - 13 🏆


FalleN hasn't played in Major playoffs since IEM Katowice 2019, yet to this day the Brazilian's track record remains one of the best Will he make it far this time? 👀🇧🇷

FalleN hasn't played in Major playoffs since IEM Katowice 2019, yet to this day the Brazilian's track record remains one of the best Will he make it far this time? 👀🇧🇷
