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TaZ reaguje na wydarzenia z kwalifikacji


Wygląda na to, że administratorzy/turnieje boją się podejmować działania. Kiedyś ręczne bany były znacznie szybsze, prawda? Nikt nie chce wziąć na siebie winy za złą decyzję, czy brakuje nam adminów, którzy oglądają te gry?

Feels like Admins/Tournaments are afraid to take action. Back in a day manual bans were much faster no? Nobody wants to take a blame for wrong call, or we lack admins who watch these games?


Incredibly frustrating that the team we lose to in the quals yesterday, gets banned for cheating today and gets disqualified, but only the last team to lose to them getting a forfeit, while they already ruined the chance for us and multiple other teams to have a chance at Dallas

Incredibly frustrating that the team we lose to in the quals yesterday, gets banned for cheating today and gets disqualified, but only the last team to lose to them getting a forfeit, while they already ruined the chance for us and multiple other teams to have a chance at Dallas
