Miałem okazję widywać @ultimatecs_go w różnych rolach. - obozowicz @pashagamingcamp - gracz @AGOesports_ - uczestnik jednego z pierwszych sezonów @ARRMYgg Wszystkie te inicjatywy pokazują ambitną drogę Rolanda w dążeniu do celu! Brawa za ten transfer! Powodzenia
Welcome @ultimatecs_go to Team Liquid CS 🇵🇱 We believe that this young, aggressive AWPer is ready to prove himself and will compliment the other players on our roster with his playstyle. Welcome to the big leagues, Roland🎯
Welcome @ultimatecs_go to Team Liquid CS 🇵🇱 We believe that this young, aggressive AWPer is ready to prove himself and will compliment the other players on our roster with his playstyle. Welcome to the big leagues, Roland🎯