
Menadżer Complexity nie rozumie decyzji Entropiq


Więc rezygnujecie z powodu braku otwartych kwalifikacji, ale szanse na przejście od otwartych kwalifikacji, przez zamknięte, do RMR, a następnie do Majora były wystarczające, aby was zatrzymać? Czy już nigdy nie będziecie mieli drużyny? Czy po prostu weźmiecie taką, która ma duże szanse przed Austin? Wydaje mi się to całkowicie słabe.

So you pull out because of no OQ's. But the chances of getting through OQ's, through CQ's, into RMR and then to the major was enough to keep you in? Will you never have a team again? Or just pick one up that stands a good chance ahead of Austin? Seems totally weak to me.


After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.

After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.
