Dziś oficjalnie rozstaję się z @NIP Jestem wdzięczny za wszystkie wspomnienia z ostatnich 2 lat i ludzi, których miałem okazję tam poznać i życzę powodzenia w nowym składzie! Dzięki! ❤️ @REZcsgo @TroelsRobl @ErikWendel @ChahineHicham @THREAT_CS
Today I'm officially parting ways with @NIP I'm thankfull for all the memories in the past 2 years and the people I had the chance to meet there and I wish you good luck with your new roster! Thanks! ❤️ @REZcsgo @TroelsRobl @ErikWendel @ChahineHicham @THREAT_CS
Once a Ninja, always a Ninja. It's impossible to put into words how much you mean to this team, @Brollan. We will be following your journey with the absolute legends at @mousesports with great interest! Keep collecting those trophies 💚
Once a Ninja, always a Ninja. It's impossible to put into words how much you mean to this team, @Brollan. We will be following your journey with the absolute legends at @mousesports with great interest! Keep collecting those trophies 💚