Od dzisiaj jestem wolnym agentem Chcę podziękować Endpoint jako organizacji, która jest bardzo profesjonalna i zawsze chce jak najlepiej dla swoich zawodników. To był krótki czas, ale nadal chcę podziękować zawodnikom i trenerowi za to doświadczenie i mam nadzieję, że odniosą sukces.
From today I am a free agent I want to thank Endpoint as an organization being so professional doing the whole time and always want the best for their players It was a short time, but I still want to thank the players and the coach for the experience and I hope they’ll succeed
CSGO Roster Update: We have parted ways with @FessorCS by mutual consent. Though our time was short, thank you Frederik for being a part of Endpoint and all the best going forward 💙
CSGO Roster Update: We have parted ways with @FessorCS by mutual consent. Though our time was short, thank you Frederik for being a part of Endpoint and all the best going forward 💙