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peacemaker: Doszło do tego, że Liquid wolało trenować ze 130 pingu niż z drużynami NA


Lol, doszło do tego, że Liquid wolało trenować ze 130 pingu niż z drużynami NA. I nie winię ich za to, zrobiłbym to samo. Niemożliwe jest ulepszenie drużyny w tym regionie i jedyną rzeczą, która trzyma drużyny w NA w tym momencie są łatwiejsze kwalifikacje & cash cupy.

Lol, it came to the point Liquid would rather practice with 130 ping than practicing against NA teams. And I dont blame them, I wouldve done close to the same Impossible to improve a team in the region and the only thing that holds teams in NA rn are easier qualifiers & cashcups


🗣 "After we started playing with 130 ping I believe many players lost their own confidence when you just get destroyed in European practice" Practicing EU teams while the majority of the roster was in NA didn't prove too useful for Liquid, says @yek1ndar #ESLProLeague

🗣 "After we started playing with 130 ping I believe many players lost their own confidence when you just get destroyed in European practice" Practicing EU teams while the majority of the roster was in NA didn't prove too useful for Liquid, says @yek1ndar #ESLProLeague
