
Pimp znów zareagował na zaczepki Loby. "Kretyn"


Miałem do czynienia z ciężkimi chwilami w rodzinie, choroba to suka. Nie zamierzam przepraszać za to, że po raz PIERWSZY od 2018 roku zrobiłem sobie przerwę od streamowania/grania. Skup się na sprzątaniu własnego domu, masz wiele wspólnego z wyborem partnerów, substancji i ogólnym nieinspirującym zachowaniem. Kretyn.

Been dealing with some rough times with the family, sickness is a bitch. I’m not gonna apologize for having taken time off from streaming/playing for the FIRST time since 2018. Focus up on cleaning your own house, you got a lot to do with your choice of partners, substances and general non inspirational behavior. Moron.


Last game played a month ago and barely 10 games played in June. Must be a fun game when you play it that much… These be the people who hype the game. RestreamPixel at least did it only in beta and admits the game is unplayable and boring now. 🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/qpfZPerdH1

Last game played a month ago and barely 10 games played in June. Must be a fun game when you play it that much… These be the people who hype the game. RestreamPixel at least did it only in beta and admits the game is unplayable and boring now. 🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/qpfZPerdH1


Is Counter Strike 2 the best possible version of the game it can be right now? Hell no. Is Counter Strike 2 still a great and fun game to play? Hell yeah! Could it be significantly better during rest of the year? Hell yeah! It's still my favourite game, and it ain't close!

Is Counter Strike 2 the best possible version of the game it can be right now? Hell no. Is Counter Strike 2 still a great and fun game to play? Hell yeah! Could it be significantly better during rest of the year? Hell yeah! It's still my favourite game, and it ain't close!
