
marix o zakończeniu działalności Entropiq: Smutna wiadomość


Zdecydowanie jest to smutna wiadomość, ponieważ czułem, że w ostatnich tygodniach odnajdujemy naszą tożsamość w drużynie, ale stało się, jak się stało. Niemniej jednak był to miły, chociaż krótki czas ze wszystkimi chłopakami i podobała mi się gra z nimi wszystkimi. Chciałbym również podziękować @Entropiqteam za ostatni rok W związku z tym jestem otwarty na oferty i zapraszam do wysłania mi prywatnych wiadomości na X. 🍀

Obviously sad news, felt like we were finding our identity in the team in the last weeks, but unlucky. Nonetheless was a nice short time with all the boys, and I enjoyed playing with all of them. I’d also like to thank @Entropiqteam for the past year That being said I’m open for offers and feel free to shoot me a direct message on X. 🍀


After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.

After careful consideration, we’ve made difficult decision to place our CS2 roster on the bench. This is due to changes in Valves ruling for Major quali that made us unable to take part in. We'd like to thank the players for their efforts and wish them GL in their future career.
