
Trudno zrozumieć logikę ESIC


W międzyczasie ESIC odebrało mi Majora z potencjalnymi play-offami Imperial (Last Dance) i chciało mnie zbanować na 3 lata za wykorzystywanie błędu, który nie został wywołany ani celowo wykorzystany przeze mnie 6 lat temu. Jak idiotycznie to brzmi?

In the mean time ESIC took a Major away from me with Imperial (Last Dance) potential playoffs and wanted to ban me for 3 years for exploitin a bug that wasnt triggered or intentionally used by me 6 years ago. How fucking BRAIN DEAD does that sound?


This guy apparently earned $400,000 from match fixing and he only gets a 2 year ban

This guy apparently earned $400,000 from match fixing and he only gets a 2 year ban


gokushima receives two-year match-fixing ban

gokushima receives two-year match-fixing ban
