
Loord w ciepłych słowach wypowiada się o rallenie


Ciężko pracujący i zdeterminowany, by osiągnąć sukces. Facet, któremu można zaufać, że zrobi wszystko, aby pchnąć zespół do przodu 🔥💪 Jeśli to jest to, co otrzymujesz w zamian za bycie lojalnym i uczciwym wobec organizacji, to czy w ogóle warto? 👀🤷‍♂️

Hard working and determined to achieve success. A guy who can be trusted to do whatever it takes to push the team forward 🔥💪 If this is what you get in return for being loyal and honest to the organisation, is it even worth it? 👀🤷‍♂️


Today, I received the green light to share with you information about my situation at ITB - Currently, I am on the transfer list and can look for a new team. Our main goal has not been achieved - qualifying for the major, so the organization's policy is changing. Personally, I'm…

Today, I received the green light to share with you information about my situation at ITB - Currently, I am on the transfer list and can look for a new team. Our main goal has not been achieved - qualifying for the major, so the organization's policy is changing. Personally, I'm…
