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s1mple: NAVI wygrało Majora, więc niektóre plany uległy zmianie


"Wszystko zależy od szczegółów[/wyników]. Jak widać, NAVI wygrało Majora, więc niektóre plany uległy zmianie." (Nie) mówienie o "sekretach" rozśmieszyło s1mple'a, ale nadal rozmawiał ze mną o swojej przyszłości i potencjalnym powrocie do profesjonalnej gry. Pełny 25-minutowy wywiad poniżej https://t.co/6e27Y4QKv1


What has @s1mpleO been up to? 🤔 HLTV's @Nohte chatted with the Ukrainian superstar about his latest project, his time in the international NAVI roster, and his future: 📺 https://t.co/bjR0CAzgNA

s1mple on return to pro play: "NAVI won the Major, so some plans have changed"
s1mple caught up with Nohte to talk about his latest project, his time in the international NAVI roster and his future. #cs2 #csgo #esports

Menadżer Complexity: PGL zawsze wypłacał nagrody pieniężne niewiarygodnie szybko


Mogę potwierdzić, że w wielu tytułach, a nawet podczas COVID-a, PGL zawsze wypłacał nagrody pieniężne niewiarygodnie szybko w porównaniu do kogokolwiek innego w branży.

Can confirm, across multiple titles and even during COVID, PGL has always paid prize money owed incredibly fast compared to anyone else in the industry.


All teams, talents, and vendors involved in running the PGL CS2 Copenhagen Major 2024 have received 100% of their payment, except for two teams who have yet to provide their invoices. This has been our standard practice for years, but we have not communicated it .

All teams, talents, and vendors involved in running the PGL CS2 Copenhagen Major 2024 have received 100% of their payment, except for two teams who have yet to provide their invoices. This has been our standard practice for years, but we have not communicated it .
