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nexa również współczuje swoim dzisiejszym rywalom


Niestety takie rzeczy zdarzają się częściej niż ktokolwiek by chciał, to do bani dla Virtus.pro i Jame'a, że stało się to wtedy, kiedy się stało, mam nadzieję, że wszyscy zrozumieją, że żaden z graczy nie jest za to winny

Unfortunately these things happen more often then anyone would like, it sucks for @virtuspro and @JAMEPAIN that it happened when it did, hope everyone understands that none of the players are to blame for this


PGL is not the one to be blamed for crashes, this has been happening constantly for over a month. It’s fucking embarrassing to have a major with so many issues and bugs in the game and not to even mention bo1s MR12 with the current economy. It sucks, hearts out to @virtuspro ❤️

PGL is not the one to be blamed for crashes, this has been happening constantly for over a month. It’s fucking embarrassing to have a major with so many issues and bugs in the game and not to even mention bo1s MR12 with the current economy. It sucks, hearts out to @virtuspro ❤️
